not being notified about friends / favorits entering and exiting the playroom

7 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

~msgScore~: +4

1. sky360,

Hello, after the new favorits feature being added, friends and favorits alike are not being notified when I enter and exit the playroom, and also I am not notified when my friends enter or leave.

~msgScore~: +1

2. FMGold,

Yes, even for me too. this is crutial feature.

~msgScore~: +0

3. chan,

plus 1

~msgScore~: +0

4. Nikola,

this seems to be fixed after the reboot that just occured.

As a sidenote, in your privacy settings, you can configure if you want to be notified about your friends entering, nobody, your favourites only, friends and friends of your friends, and, for the most enjoyable experience, everybody. #Sarcasm.

~msgScore~: +2

5. Naday,

Though I have the feeling you should also control if you really want to notify everyone that you logged in...

~msgScore~: +1

6. Aminiel,


This should be fixed now.

~msgScore~: +3

7. Negar,

+1 about notifying people of your own connection

~msgScore~: +1

7 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

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