,Playroom 2 suggestion: custom rules for displayed messages

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1. Myszojelen,

Another suggestion here would be to introduce a way of configuring for example whose private/public messages should be displayed in a new view that we create so we could set up for example an individual view for private messages from a certain player.
What everyone else thinks of it?

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2. Aminiel,


Good suggestion, thank you very much ! But this is simply totally impossible at the moment, sorry. It would require another major update of the client, to support regular expressions for example.

I keep this suggestion in reserve for v3

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3. Athlon,

How do you switch between views?

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4. Myszojelen,

alt+left and right arrows

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5. Aminiel,

In case Alt+Right/left don't work for you (sometimes these are associated to some screen reader functions), you can also use Alt+1-9

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