Can't log Into previous account

2 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

~msgScore~: +0

1. Mattheworts1991 ,

Hi guys, my name is Matt. I can't log into my previous account. Can someone please help? I try to log into my previous account but I get an error saying that it was either banned or does not exist, but I know it does because I was logged onto it at one time. It used my gmail address. Please contact at my gmail address.
[email protected]

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von Mattheworts1991 , Apr 30 2013 19:47:03

2. Aminiel,

Try reset your password
Some people didn't get it to work with their name, but did with their e-mail; so try both.

~msgScore~: +0

2 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

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