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Subject Author Nb. answ. Latest message

Assistance needed Organizing Dominos Tournament

Elinoria 5 Elinoria,

New keyboard gestures for leave and stop table master (refused)

horse 5 horse,

streaming google drive links in playroom (accepted)

sky360 10 Fawaz,

Adding the ability to create game tables when choosing a person from the mainroom

Sajad-Aliraqi 5 glad,

how to streem radio for free

davidhs1200 0 davidhs1200,

Monopoly (solved)

Little.Witch 4 Snake_Eyes,

Scrabble champions

Emerald 8 MIG21,

Issue with Go Game On Mobile Devices (solved)

Elinoria 2 glad,

Adding a "deal all pieces if possible" options in dominos

HeadphoneJack 1 glad,

Update regarding the English helpers team

Marina 0 Marina,

Allow View Scores While Game Is Stopped (solved)

Elinoria 2 Elinoria,

congrachulations to Medhansh to win the uno turnament:

medhansh 3 glad,

Duck race in teams

dhegwork-adakly 9 Gnome,

conclusion of the group stage of uno turnament

medhansh 6 glad,

Congratulations to Fawaz and All Participants of the Uno Tournament. (finished)

Epic_Krrish 37 EstrellaVega,

uno turnament on june 14th

medhansh 8 medhansh,

Golf points bugs (finished)

crazy.musician 4 crazy.musician,

Auction freezing on monopoly with a bot. (solved)

pupTart 5 Nikola,

unreal tournimant game

Alan1003 30 Marina,

COngratulations and citadels tournament conclusion

GodSaveTheQueen 2 rockstar2013,

a wierd bug g when players leave tables and return to main room.

glad 4 glad,

Citadel Tournament

GodSaveTheQueen 14 GodSaveTheQueen,

Implementation for fives and threes (finished)

LoboBranco 3 Nikola,



bug in go

glad 6 glad,

Focus in the Duck racing roulette betting

Nikola 2 glad,

acceseble apps or software.

glad 8 glad,

Website: Escape allows hiding certain elements (solved)

Nikola 3 Aminiel,

has eurofly beta ended?

medhansh 2 medhansh,

add a sports or any war game

medhansh 10 medhansh,

fun games with little or no equipment

sky360 20 medhansh,

Friends (new)

Quintin-D 2 majoz,

Archery duel

Isaac5457 6 medhansh,

add more arcade games

the_killer 3 medhansh,

Which games are currently being worked on to arrive? (ongoing)

zhugeliang 8 medhansh,

My new podcast, in English language

Emrah20 0 Emrah20,

I forgot a few things. (refused)

CathyAnne 7 Aminiel,

A bug with privacy settings and permanent messages (solved)

Nikola 0 Nikola,

New games.

CathyAnne 1 Nikola,

How Does Automatic Account Deletion Actually Work? (ongoing)

Naday 1 CathyAnne,


flying_dragon 14 lucy_light,

Suggestion of Jungle game (ongoing)

Emrah20 11 Emrah20,

Can't get more information with shift+f10 on a fives and threes table (solved)

HeadphoneJack 1 Nikola,

99 bug (finished)

flying_dragon 1 Naday,

sejestion of go fish.

glad 0 glad,

Link to Frequently asked question is missing (ongoing)

Emrah20 2 Emrah20,

Urgent: sighted help needed

Aminiel 46 Nikola,

1000 miles proposal - junk a card directly on long press

Nikola 0 Nikola,

Monopoly Mortgage Keystroke

slannon 2 spaceship,

A questions about game translation (new)

NoInternet 0 NoInternet,

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