Statistics: Belote

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General game statistics of Belote

Last reset: Dec 25 2015 22:00:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 0 (0%) 750 (100%) 750 (0.05%)
English 65 975 (18.95%) 282 128 (81.05%) 348 103 (24.64%)
Español 27 (0.09%) 31 431 (99.91%) 31 458 (2.23%)
Français 170 721 (17.66%) 795 978 (82.34%) 966 699 (68.42%)
Italiano 50 (0.23%) 21 576 (99.77%) 21 626 (1.53%)
Português 74 (1.03%) 7 107 (98.97%) 7 181 (0.51%)
русский 1 215 (4.01%) 29 099 (95.99%) 30 314 (2.15%)
Srpski 26 (0.39%) 6 665 (99.61%) 6 691 (0.47%)
Total 238 088 (16.85%) 1 174 734 (83.15%) 1 412 822

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Games113 65034.862441 04612 731
Rounds1 412 823433.33 03312 999158 265
Rounds in finished games1 052 383322.82 2599 683117 889

Approximatively 74.49% of the games are played to their end, while 25.51% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. Titine68: 52 125 rounds played
  2. Starsky: 49 536 rounds played
  3. malice: 46 521 rounds played
  4. saladin009: 44 318 rounds played
  5. rose35590: 38 015 rounds played
  6. Lucia: 37 474 rounds played
  7. freedom: 33 676 rounds played
  8. cajoline68: 29 415 rounds played
  9. bernard11: 26 956 rounds played
  10. alesia: 26 042 rounds played
  11. elsa: 24 775 rounds played
  12. jose: 23 144 rounds played
  13. tandemiste: 22 421 rounds played
  14. azawagh: 22 195 rounds played
  15. azize: 21 510 rounds played
  16. flocon: 21 263 rounds played
  17. kellie: 20 180 rounds played
  18. blaise97: 19 896 rounds played
  19. cristina : 19 215 rounds played
  20. armonie: 18 203 rounds played
  21. aurel: 17 951 rounds played
  22. sarah: 17 296 rounds played
  23. Dacus: 17 259 rounds played
  24. Cupidon: 17 181 rounds played
  25. licou : 16 925 rounds played
  26. Cathie: 15 996 rounds played
  27. abderrahmane: 15 669 rounds played
  28. oust: 15 587 rounds played
  29. Shango: 15 184 rounds played
  30. ange: 14 920 rounds played

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