Statistics: Cribbage

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General game statistics of Cribbage

Last reset: Nov 1 2014 19:00:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 4 406 (88.05%) 598 (11.95%) 5 004 (0.12%)
English 646 756 (27.22%) 1 729 546 (72.78%) 2 376 302 (56.48%)
Español 136 480 (24.18%) 428 015 (75.82%) 564 495 (13.42%)
Français 189 812 (23.98%) 601 759 (76.02%) 791 571 (18.81%)
Italiano 33 470 (14.02%) 205 229 (85.98%) 238 699 (5.67%)
Português 47 684 (28.9%) 117 291 (71.1%) 164 975 (3.92%)
русский 16 824 (32.26%) 35 321 (67.74%) 52 145 (1.24%)
Srpski 2 664 (19.15%) 11 246 (80.85%) 13 910 (0.33%)
Total 1 078 105 (25.63%) 3 129 041 (74.37%) 4 207 146

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Games378 492102.97203 08637 570
Rounds4 207 2081 1438 00434 302417 613
Rounds in finished games3 532 2509606 72028 799350 616

Approximatively 83.96% of the games are played to their end, while 16.04% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. tiny: 72 099 rounds played
  2. Mujer_Vendabal: 62 007 rounds played
  3. vero: 52 881 rounds played
  4. mohammed_albasha: 47 383 rounds played
  5. bernard11: 43 446 rounds played
  6. albinuta2: 36 854 rounds played
  7. fabioquartararo: 34 594 rounds played
  8. saad.almasry: 34 142 rounds played
  9. miroslav: 34 049 rounds played
  10. undertaker: 33 558 rounds played
  11. Ilcavalieretemplare: 32 061 rounds played
  12. maiden666: 30 825 rounds played
  13. osiris: 29 643 rounds played
  14. Shango: 28 417 rounds played
  15. dusty1: 27 921 rounds played
  16. pistachio: 27 808 rounds played
  17. xandra: 27 807 rounds played
  18. alli: 26 655 rounds played
  19. tourterelle: 24 591 rounds played
  20. manhhung: 24 313 rounds played
  21. zenicaja: 24 299 rounds played
  22. dranreb : 23 973 rounds played
  23. megaman3: 23 006 rounds played
  24. diegoelfamoso: 22 674 rounds played
  25. alesia: 22 599 rounds played
  26. SomeDude: 22 385 rounds played
  27. maicol55: 22 339 rounds played
  28. wildelake: 22 031 rounds played
  29. domatricedishirehorse: 21 057 rounds played
  30. martinemdg: 20 716 rounds played

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