Statistics: Fives and threes

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General game statistics of Fives and threes

Last reset: Oct 29 2023 17:00:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 68 (2.18%) 3 050 (97.82%) 3 118 (0.46%)
English 42 816 (17.66%) 199 591 (82.34%) 242 407 (35.92%)
Español 21 187 (18.29%) 94 675 (81.71%) 115 862 (17.17%)
Français 4 949 (8.12%) 55 992 (91.88%) 60 941 (9.03%)
Italiano 2 354 (8.73%) 24 611 (91.27%) 26 965 (4%)
Português 49 741 (31.43%) 108 529 (68.57%) 158 270 (23.45%)
русский 3 512 (16.05%) 18 376 (83.95%) 21 888 (3.24%)
Srpski 8 575 (18.86%) 36 892 (81.14%) 45 467 (6.74%)
Total 133 202 (19.74%) 541 716 (80.26%) 674 918

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Games140 833355.92 49110 677129 992
Rounds674 9181 70611 93951 169622 966
Rounds in finished games729 8401 84412 91155 333673 660

Approximatively 108.1% of the games are played to their end, while -8.14% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. zenicaja: 11 923 rounds played
  2. pavesi: 9 483 rounds played
  3. miroslav: 8 727 rounds played
  4. kemanciibo: 8 170 rounds played
  5. toni: 7 877 rounds played
  6. domatricedishirehorse: 7 861 rounds played
  7. Fady: 7 261 rounds played
  8. mohammedantar: 7 223 rounds played
  9. Wanted: 7 110 rounds played
  10. Oliveira: 6 372 rounds played
  11. el-chamo: 6 187 rounds played
  12. yomismo: 5 975 rounds played
  13. enerji: 5 679 rounds played
  14. exatropic: 5 348 rounds played
  15. Gennady: 5 245 rounds played
  16. albinuta2: 5 125 rounds played
  17. guegueu: 5 089 rounds played
  18. douglas.valter: 4 943 rounds played
  19. Zepfan75: 4 935 rounds played
  20. erdal: 4 715 rounds played
  21. feridun: 4 606 rounds played
  22. hosam.12345: 4 557 rounds played
  23. Milos: 4 505 rounds played
  24. francesca: 4 371 rounds played
  25. Lorie: 4 365 rounds played
  26. Ilcavalieretemplare: 4 303 rounds played
  27. charrenee: 4 163 rounds played
  28. mincha: 4 120 rounds played
  29. ane_lluss: 4 054 rounds played
  30. dominicm: 4 012 rounds played

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