Hi I wanted to enquire I cant perform all duck racing chalanges on web client. I think there should be a control and backspace key along with the numbers given for the various chalanges. Thus all chalanges can be done easily on web client. Please consider this sujestion. Thank you.
Resultado: +0
2. Nikola,
Hello, just long press a number, double tap and hold with a screen reader, and that will perform the action you are looking for. The backspace key is the one with the unfortunate abbreviation of BS, and the space key is SP.
Resultado: +3
Última edición por Nikola, 08.11.2023 16:20:51
3. glad,
its difficult to long press on a phone the feature does not work all time and you have to pres s too hard on the numbers.
Resultado: +0
4. Nikola,
No you don't have to press hard, it is just like opening any other context menu in any other app. Double tap and keep the finger on the screen until you hear a sound. On iOS, you can also just triple tap, it's a VoiceOver shortcut for a long press. Anyway, there is no better solution. You can't have ctrl+every number in the grid as that would make it too big, and this is anyway already very slow as it is.
Resultado: +1
5. glad,
may be I need to learn the jesture Thank you for the help